Saturdays run I had a really hard time. I stopped a number of times to try and catch my breath and I had an asthma attack that made me feel like I was going to leave my breakfast on the side of the mountain. I was glad I finished but it scared me that I may never be ready for this stair climb. By the time I got home I had a killer headache that advil just wouldn't take away. So I started slamming the water. Who would have thought that would help? I was dehydrated! Idiot! I guess drinking martinis the night before you run is a bad idea :)
Sunday morning I woke up feeling good. And I was not going to let this mountain get the best of me. Today the mountain loses! I was determined to give it my all. And I do have to say I was very pleased with my performance. I ran alot more than the day before and I never stopped to rest! I kept a good pace and made it up the mountain in about 40 min! The best part about it was I didn't have to use my inhaler at all! When I made it to the top I could have done back flips I was so happy. That gave me the confidence that I could do this stair climb, As long as I stay away from the martinis the night before :) This is the a picture that I took from the top of Mt Erie. The Top of the World!