I live in a private community that I'm starting to hate more and more! Why am I having these negative feeling? Permits! yep I have come to find you need a permit for EVERYTHING!!!! want to paint your house? you need a permit! new fence? Permit! We ran into a problem when we decided to reroof the house. we thought we were fine since we were just reroofing. Well we were wrong. We spent Saturday tearing the old roof off our house and when we came inside saturday evening we had a message on our answering machine that went a little something like this... "Hi this is (cranky old lady) and someone reported to me that you have a roofing project going on and my husband is on the building committee and I checked to see if you have a permit and you don't so you better stop or we are going to come rip your new roof off and fine you". yep she said she was going to rip my roof off! haha right! I would just love to see that old lady try and rip my roof off! But to avoid being fined we stopped and called the building GODs. He informed me that we needed to fill out paper work, pay $100 deposit and give them a sample so they could approve the color. I almost lost it! all of this so you can approve the color of my roof. Does anyone else find this completely insane!!! and why the $100 deposit? Not understanding why you need to hold onto $100 of mine? To top off my anger my house was just sitting there with no roof because some old bastard needed to approve the color! I waited 2 days and heard nothing back. I finally had to call and say send me the fine because I'm putting a roof on my house! It is suppose to start raining tonight and im not going watch my house be destroyed because you guys are on a power trip! To put an end to this story they gave me the ok to start without a permit but don't expect them to be as understanding next time. SO THIS MIDDLE FINGER IS TO YOU BUILDING COMMITTEE!