This weekend Adam and I attended a birth class. I was excitied to take this class and tour the hospital, but left feeling like I had lost all confidence in myself. I didn't realize the class would be geared toward natural child birth. I had decided to get an epidural early on in my pregnancy because I wanted to be able to enjoy the birth and not be slupt over screaming in pain. They showed us a few videos of natural child birth and one with an epidural birth. They kept saying the advantage of a natural birth is you are free to move/walk around. I was slightly confused by calling this an advantage because the women in the natural birth video where not strolling around they where sitting or on there side screaming bloody murder and looked like they were moments from death! Then they kept referring to the epidural as "risky". Later to find out its risk is less than 1%. Now I'm worried if I walk into the hospital and say "I would like an epidural" I'm going to get a nurse who will instantly judge me.