I have not written on this blog for a long while. I said I was going to keep up with this blog after I had Claire but our computer was down for a while and time just managed to slip by so quickly. Claire is now 3 months old! I want to write down Claires birth story so I don't forget it, so consider that a warning if you don't like to hear birth stories.
On Feb 15th I went to work and had a full day of work just like any other day. I had my 39 week dr. appt at 4pm and they checked me and I was 2cm dialated. My dr. told me that was no big deal and I could be at a 2 for weeks. So I figured ok I have weeks left before Claire makes her entrance. (little did I know) I got home at 5pm and was feeling tired so I told myself "ok you can sit on your butt for 1 hour and then you have to get up and start making dinner" So when 6pm rolled around I got up and started making chicken fettachini for dinner. At about 6:20 I felt a small trickle of water come out of some where down there, and I thought to myself "did I just pee a little" I went to the bathroom and figured I better empty my bladder if im leaking pee. I went back to making dinner and Adam got home. at 6:30 another trickle of pee (so I thought) I remember crossing my legs and getting mad bacause I figured I was losing bladder control. I told adam that I just peed my pants for the second time in 10 min. In the back of my mind I remember thinking "could this be my water" But I was just at the dr. and they just said it could be weeks! Well when it happened a third time I called a friend who told me to call the dr and ask what I should do. I called the dr and told her either I have a slow leak of water or I just peed my pants 3 times! she told me to go to the hospital and get checked. I told adam we had to make a trip in to the hospital and I remember he went into "baby" mode. He was packing his bag and running around the house getting everything ready. I was thinking I was going to feel bad that he was running around all nervous and we get there and they say yes you peed your pants! what did I do??? finished eatting dinner and then had dessert :) I was strangly calm. We got to the hospital around 9pm and they put me in a triage room so they could check if I was leaking fluid. they handed me a gown and told me to change into it. I took off my sweats and SPLASH! there goes my water all over their floor. I panic and try to clean it up with my socks. The nurse walks in and goes well I don't have to test you anymore "that was your water" now I started texting and calling everyone! this was it I was not leaving this hospital without Claire in my arms! we finally got admitted around 11:00pm and my contractions where about 15 to 10 min apart so they told me to walk and see if the contractions would get closer together if not they would start pitocin at midnight. Luckly my aunt sandie arrived right as I was suppose to walk so I told adam to get some rest and me and my aunt would walk the halls. well walking didn't work so pitocin was started at midnight. holy crap that stuff is evil! I was in serious pain in no time at all! I tried sitting on the birth ball with adam rubbing my back but by 5am they were 2min apart and I was completely exhausted! Thats when I got the epidural! oh my gosh that was heaven!!! suddenly my legs felt all warm and my body was pain free! adam seemed so releaved to not see me in pain any more. we visited with family for the rest of the day and finally at noon I vomited and they checked me and I was 10cm and it was time to push. I was so determined not to have a c section so I held nothing back! I pushed as hard as I could. 2 hours of pushing and the most perfect baby ever was born! Claire Margaret Avery was born at 1:52pm weighing 7lb and 19 inches long. she had a FULL head of dark hair and we just looked into each others eyes and I was hooked! so much love! I didn't even cry I was in too much shock that we had created something so perfect.