Well it happened again. Claire Peed on me. The first time it happened Claire was 2 days old and we were at the dr office for a check up and they wanted to weigh her. So I stripped her down so they could weigh her and when I picked her back up she peed down the front of me. I didn't bring any extra clothes for me so I had to sit through the rest of the appointment covered in pee. Last night I went to give Claire a bath so I undressed her (everything but the diaper) and let her play on her play mat while I filled her tub. Then I went to get her, took her diaper off, and headed for the tub but the tub was empty! crap I forgot to put the plug in the bottom of the tub! So now I have a naked baby and no water. So I put the plug in and started the water again. At this moment I feel something warm trickling down the front of me. I guess running water makes babies have to pee also.