How do I put claire on a schedule when our work schedules are so bizzare. I have read the books but find they tend to be for people who have a stay at home parent or at least a 8-5 monday-friday job. Adam works 7 nights a month and 7 days a month and they are broken up through out the month. So somedays claire has a babysitter all day and some days only a half day. She also has had 4 different baby sitters this summer. Claire started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old and lasted until she was 5 months old. Now she wakes up 1 to 2 times a night. She has a hard time taking naps sometimes and fights sleep until she can't keep her eyes open. And days that I do have off I need to often run arrands and she naps while I drive but wakes up when I take her out of the car. I feel like I am really failing her in the schedule dept. I don't really know how to fix the schedule problem but I'm going to have to try to do something.