what a intresting year it has been so far... It started with me getting laid off. It took me a little time to get over that. I had never lost a job before. I remember my first monday of being unemployed, I didn't have anywere to go and that was a strange feeling. Luckily I have my little cliare to keep me busy. We started doing stroller strides 3 times a week. We both loved it. I got a good workout in and Claire got to play with other kids. I think I lost about 5 pounds to! I think I would have lost my mind without my stroller stride friends.
I decided that I couldn't change what happened so I was going to make the best of it. Claire and I got to spend alot of time together which was awesome. She is at such a fun age and we got to have a lot of fun. I applyed for ALOT of jobs over the last few months. I finally found one that seems to be perfect for me. I am the new clinic coodinator for the sleep center in a local hospital. They have great benifits, good pay, and Fridays off! I think its going to be a great fit for me.
but... I have to leave my Claire. Its going to be so hard to leave her 4 days a week. We had our routine and shes mom little side kick. I loved being there for everything. She is just the sweetest little girl and im going to miss all the giggles and smiles.