On Friday the 13th I was laid off. I was in a state of shock over the weekend, I kept feeling like I was going to wake up after a bad dream. I have never lost a job in my life, I have always left on my own terms. Ouch does it hurt! I felt like a failure, and like I should have seen it coming. Now that I look back I feel like an idiot because I didn't see it coming. When I got back from maternity leave I was told my old position was gone and I would be spending half of my time in accounting and was encouraged to come back part time. Hello wake up annie! they never wanted you to come back! When I went on maternity leave they divieded up my jobs and basically elimianted my position. As I was being laid off they told me "well you wanted to spend more time with your daughter anyways". True but I also want to pay the bills! I now am putting bad feelings behind me and spending every minute I can with my daughter. I am looking for a full time job now because I have found part time jobs like to pay minimum wage. I knew the job market was slim but WOW I never relized how bad it is. At this rate i'm going to be picking up dead bodies for a funeral home!
My other worry is adams company might strike in February. Perfect timing! great, in a matter of 2 weeks we could go from having 2 incomes to 0.
Deep breath, moving on, and hoping for the best!