I have been in a constant state of sleepyness for about 2 weeks. Claire has forgotten how to sleep through the night. She has been waking about 2 to 3 times a night. I finally called the dr. to find out if there was anything I could do to help her sleep through the night. She suggested that claire is starting to get seperation anxiety so when she slightly wakes up she wants mom or dad to be there. Which totally makes sense. I would walk into claires room pick her up and she would snuggle into my arms as she drifted back to sleep. She recommended that I give her 5 mins to cry and see if she would put herself back to sleep. (easier said than done) I made it about 3 1/2 min. But I didn't pick her up, I just turned on her music and rubbed her tummy and she went back to sleep. yippie! Victory! well sorta... last night she woke up 4 times! 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, and 5:30. I never had to pick her up and she went right back to sleep but mom didn't. I can't just lay back down and go back to sleep. so sleeplessness continues... like I said small victories.
Small victory number 2. Claire ate more than 3 bites of rice cereal. I have been working on this with her for a few weeks now and it was always the same, three bites than crying, screaming, and get me out of this chair! But last night I tried something new. I feed her with my fingure. She loved this! I was even able to use the spoon a few times. But she is eating her rice cereal! Small victory... even if i have to feed her with my fingure.