Why do weekend have to go so fast? especially summer weekends! They seem to just pass with each blink of an eye. This weekend was spent at Donna'a house which is right on the beach. We had a great time crabbing and exploring the beach. We started our trip with a early morning ferry ride. The ferry is a great way to break up the trip. Claire can get out of her car seat and have a bottle and explore the boat with us. My little lady has so much hair! and I have been trying to figure out what to do with it. I refuse to cut it so I have been trying different things to get it out of her face. Clips, bows, head bands, and pony tails. I have been trying them all. I only get about 30 sec of trying to do something with her hair and then she's wiggling and flinging her head back so I have to be quick!

Any ways back to the beach. Claire loved putting her feet in the sand and the water. She is a true northwest baby.