My little sprout seemed to grow up a little this weekend. It was a little peak into whats ahead of me... We were at the cabin for brunch on the third when she went down for a nap. I put her in her carseat to nap (beacuse thats were she fell asleep) and put the car seat on the bed. I closed the bedroom door so the chatter of everyone whouldn't wake her. I checked on her a few times and stayed close so I would hear her if she woke up. I just happened to go check on her (still had not heard a peep out of her)and she was out of her car seat! That surprised the heck out of me! She had never done that before. On Sunday when I went to give her, her bottle she took hold of it and wanted to feed herself (such a big girl)! On Monday night Kat and I were trying to get a bunch of crab cracked for crab cakes so Claire was on her play mat entertaining herself when she got a little wild and knocked it over on herself. Kat and I both had crabby hands so it took a few seconds for me to get to her (and I had to take a picture) but she found it funny and was pretty proud of her spunkyness! Silly girl you manage to amaze me every day. :)
A little side note. I was laying on the floor last night and holding her above me when all of a sudden VOMIT! all I had time to do was turn my head and so I got a load of baby puke in my hair! thanks for that kiddo!