Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day

This valentines day the last thing I wanted to do was go to a packed resturant so Ashlee and I decided to cook a feast for our lucky guys! The menu consisted of lobster, Steak, twice baked potatoed, salad, and garlic bread. For dessert Ashlee made my favorite white chocolate raspberry tart! We also had a wind storm brewing during our dinner so we had fingures crossed that the power wouldn't go out and shatter our dinner plans. Thank you wind gods for letting the power stay on!

39 weeks

Holy moly! 39 weeks. I am almost done. I have been so lucky with this pregnancy, no complications, no vomiting, and mild symptoms. I think i'm going to miss her moving and wiggling in my stomach. It was something that only I got to experiance with her and I will miss it. But as that chapter comes to an end another chapter starts and I actually get to hold her and watch her grow and learn.

Friday, February 11, 2011

stumble, stumble

The Car seat is installed! And I didn't even bother to try and do it myself. I went to a skagit EMS car seat event and had them check it and install it correctly the first time. I also learned I know nothing about car seats. But I did learn a lot while I was there!

Oh the bouncy seat. I tried to put it together myself and I would have been able to if the stupid battery thing wasn't screwed in so tight. I was trying to get it open but I was just stripping the screw so I gave up :( Adam came home and finished it for me in about 2 seconds. He could have at least made it look difficult!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Claire's first Easter

Claire has her st. Patricks day outfit all ready! I also got her easter dress and her new new Easter basket.
I just ordered this basket with Claire's name on it for her first holiday! I figure she will be able to use it for years to come so it was worth a little extra $$$.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

38 weeks

Dear baby girl claire,
I know you are running out of room in there so if you would like to have more room then your going to have to come out. There is a lot of room out here! Today you are as long a leek and let me tell you some of your moving and stretching is starting to hurt. I think we have every thing ready for you. we are making one last baby shopping trip this weekend and then I think we will be ready! See you soon little one :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

It's my decision so deal with it!

I want an epidural! Yes-I have done the research, Yes-I know the risks, I don't care if you had yours naturally, I don't want to hear your horror story, I'm sorry if you don't agree with my decision. and by the way im using disposable diapers! I'm only breastfeeding until I go back to work in May and then I will be switching to formula. Guess what its my body, My baby, and my decision so deal with it!

why does everyone have to put in there 2 cents and then when you tell them what you decided they assume you are just uneducated on the subject and feel the need to "educate" you on why your decision is wrong!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A few of my favorite things!

I don't think I could have gotten through pregnancy without these items!
The tums have been a big help with some killer heart burn! This last month or so I have been eating these nonstop! My AE sweats is also something that I use nightly. As soon as I get home from work I put these on. The orange juice has just been one of those cravings that I can't get enough of. The ice cream is just yummy :) and the birkenstocks have been so nice because I don't have to tie them!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I tried to take some pictures of the nursery with my cell phone. The picture quality kinda sucks. 21 day until im due! I am 37 weeks today!! (Full Term) So basically Claire could make her grand entrance any time now! I hope she waits a little longer because I have a baby shower on Saturday :) I have a Dr. appointment today and we will see if I have dialated anymore. At 36 weeks I was dialated 1cm.